Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sorry, Sargon: Stefan Molyneux Has in Recent Years Continued to Pressure His Fans to Disown Their Loved Ones

Stuart K. Hayashi

Lately I have blogged about a foolish video apologia for white-nationalist cult leader Stefan Molyneux on the part of right-wing YouTube vlogger Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin. Molyneux put out a tweet dishonestly denying that he has advocated eugenics and white nationalism. Sargon approvingly cited the tweet and took it at face value, as if it were proof that there was nothing to those accusations. You can actually see montages on YouTube that show that Molyneux indeed has a record of promoting eugenics and whitewashing white nationalism. Molyneux has gone as far as saying that “freedom has a eugenics component to it inevitably.” You can see those montages and my blogging about them over here.

Although the denial of Molyneux’s eugenicism and white nationalism was the main topic of Sargon’s video, Sargon did touch on something else that warrants concern. Sargon disapprovingly read out loud a tweet pointing out Molyneux’s long record of pressuring his followers to disown their siblings, parents, and close friends merely for disagreeing with Molyneux’s ideological advocacy. Molyneux was especially known for this practice between 2006 and 2014; we have not heard as much about it since then. Dismissing the tweet about Molyneux’s treatment of his followers, Sargon pronounces, “I think those accusations are probably somewhat overstated, aren’t they? And this, I think, is something that happened a long time ago. And I think it would be fair if we were to ask him his positions on these times now.”

Someone would come away from that statement of Sargon’s with the impression that Molyneux’s practice of dividing families is something that is long past. As I have blogged before, urging his fans to disown their parents and longtime friends over disagreements with him is something that Molyneux has done publicly at least twice since 2017. As of this writing, Molyneux has not shown any contrition over what he has done.

Below are three different cuts of the same montage of Molyneux performing this manipulation in recent years.

There is one cut that is two minutes long and can therefore be embedded in a tweet. Editing it down that short meant cutting out parts of Molyneux’s sentences, though. For the complete sentences, you can watch the 20-minute cut. If you watch the longest cut, you must have some patience for Molyneux’s many ramblings tangents.

15-minute cut

20-minute cut (less of Molyneux’s tangents have been cut out)

2-minute minute that can fit in a tweet (a lot of editing, with some interjections edited out of the sentences; for the complete sentences, watch and hear the 20-minute version)

See also: In November of 2019, Molyneux did an entire video falsely denying he ever said, and meant in a biological context, that not all human beings are the same species. For a montage disproving Molyneux’s denial (which, again, comes in a two-minute cut and a longer cut), go here.